
Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.
<div class="alert">
  <strong>Oh snap!</strong> Change a few things up and try submitting again.

Different colors

You can use colors from list css-colors.html.
Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.
Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.
Warning! Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.
<div class="alert green lighten-4 green-text text-darken-2">
  <strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully read this important alert message.
<div class="alert blue lighten-2 white-text">
  <strong>Heads up!</strong> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.
<div class="alert orange lighten-2 white-text">
  <strong>Warning!</strong> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.


Build on any alert by adding an optional .alert-dismissible and close button.
Warning! Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.
<div class="alert alert-dismissible orange lighten-4 orange-text text-darken-2">
  <strong>Warning!</strong> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.
  <button class="close">&times;</button>


Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.
Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.
Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.
Warning! Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.
<div class="alert alert-border-left">
  <strong>Oh snap!</strong> Change a few things up and try submitting again.
<div class="alert green lighten-4 green-text text-darken-2 alert-border-right">
  <strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully read this important alert message.
<div class="alert blue lighten-4 blue-text text-darken-2 alert-border-top">
  <strong>Heads up!</strong> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.
<div class="alert orange lighten-4 orange-text text-darken-2 alert-border-bottom">
  <strong>Warning!</strong> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.

Not Only Messages


Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.



Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.

Okay Cancel

<div class="alert orange lighten-4 orange-text text-darken-2">
  <p>Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.</p>
  <p><a class="btn waves-effect orange z-depth-0" href="#!">Okay</a></p>
<div class="alert alert-border-bottom cyan lighten-4 cyan-text text-darken-2">
  <p>Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.</p>
    <a class="btn waves-effect cyan z-depth-0" href="#!">Okay</a>
    <a class="btn waves-effect white cyan-text text-darken-2 z-depth-0" href="#!">Cancel</a>
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Monday, Feb 23, 8:23 pm
Hi, Felicia.
How are you?
John DoeHi! I am good!
Glad to see you :)
This long text is intended to show how the chat will display it.
John DoeAlso, we will send the longest word to show how it will fit in the chat window: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Friday, Mar 10, 5:07 pm
Hi again!
John DoeHi! Glad to see you.
I want to add you in my Facebook.
Can you give me your page?
John DoeI do not use Facebook. But you can follow me in Twitter.
It's good idea!
John DoeYou can find me here -