@@include('./parts/head.html', { "plugin_fa_icons": true, "plugin_mdi_icons": true, "plugin_ion_icons": true, "plugin_wi_icons": true, "plugin_rickshaw": false, "plugin_nvd3": false, "plugin_flot": false, "plugin_sparkline": false, "plugin_markitup": false, "plugin_ckeditor": false, "plugin_select2": false, "plugin_dropzone": false, "plugin_tagsinput": false, "plugin_clockpicker": false, "plugin_pikaday": false, "plugin_spectrum": false, "plugin_inputmask": false, "plugin_parsley": false, "plugin_gmaps": false, "plugin_jvectormap": false, "plugin_datatables": false, "plugin_fullcalendar": false, "plugin_simpleweather": false, "plugin_prettify": true }) @@include('./parts/top-navbar.html') @@include('./parts/sidebar.html', { "page": "ui-tooltips", "classes": "yay-shrink yay-hide-to-small yay-gestures" })
@@include('./parts/title.html', { "title": "Tooltips", "crumbs": "
  • Dashboard
  • UI
  • Tooltips
  • " })
    Tooltips are small, interactive, textual hints for mainly graphical elements. When using icons for actions you can use a tooltip to give people clarification on its function.

    Add the Tooltipped class to your element and add either top, bottom, left, right on data-tooltip to control the position.

    <!-- data-position can be : bottom, top, left, or right -->
    <!-- data-delay controls delay before tooltip shows (in milliseconds)-->
    <a class="btn tooltipped" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data-tooltip="I am tooltip">Hover me!</a>
    @@include('./parts/search-bar.html') @@include('./parts/chat.html') @@include('./parts/foot.html', { "copyright": true })